In October 2001, a pivotal moment in the Dominican Republic’s history occurred when the National Congress approved the Tourism Promotion Law. This groundbreaking legislation aimed to unlock the potential of the nation’s tourism industry by encouraging innovative projects in regions with natural conditions for tourism. Under the umbrella of this law, the Tourism Promotion Council (CONFOTUR) was established to facilitate these projects and provide an array of special legal benefits for investors. This article delves into the remarkable advantages conferred by CONFOTUR, which have made it a vital tool for real estate investors and buyers.

The Purpose of CONFOTUR:

The core objective of CONFOTUR is to create an environment conducive to innovative tourism projects throughout the Dominican Republic. These projects must meet specific criteria and gain approval from CONFOTUR to access the associated legal benefits. An essential part of this process is the evaluation of each project by the CONFOTUR technical directorate, adhering to the guidelines set forth in the Tourism Promotion Law, its Application Regulations, and the relevant resolution.

Key Benefits of CONFOTUR:

    Tax Exemptions for Companies:

Under CONFOTUR, companies involved in tourism projects are exempt from state and municipal taxes related to their business operations. This exemption serves as a powerful incentive for businesses looking to invest in the Dominican Republic’s tourism sector.

    Property Transfer Tax Exemption:

Property transactions often involve significant costs, such as property transfer taxes. CONFOTUR provides a remarkable benefit by excluding companies from paying state and city taxes associated with property rights transfer, sale, or any other form of property transfer. This exemption accounts for 3% of the property value and eases the financial burden on investors.

    Real Estate Property Tax Relief:

Real Estate Property Tax (IPI) can be a significant expense for property owners. CONFOTUR alleviates this burden by exempting investors from paying the annual 1% of property value IPI for a period ranging from 10 to 15 years. This extended relief is a substantial incentive for long-term investments in the Dominican Republic’s real estate market.

    Financing Benefits:

Investors often rely on financial assistance to fund their projects. CONFOTUR provides a unique advantage by not imposing withholdings or interest on national and international financing extended to companies eligible for these incentives. This allows investors to secure necessary funding more affordably and efficiently.

    Tax Deductions for Individuals and Entities:

 Individuals and legal entities investing in tourism projects covered by CONFOTUR can deduct the amount of their investments from their taxable net income. This deduction can reach up to 20% of taxable income, distributed over a maximum of five years. This tax benefit provides significant financial relief and encourages further investment in the tourism sector.

   Eligibility and Duration:

These incentives apply exclusively to new construction projects that meet the stringent requirements outlined by the law. The benefits are extended only to the first property owner, and the exemption period spans 15 years from the completion of construction works. A three-year window is allocated for approved projects to commence sustainable and continuous operation, fostering the long-term growth and success of these ventures.

The CONFOTUR Law in the Dominican Republic has proven to be a game-changer for real estate investors and buyers. By offering a range of tax exemptions and financial incentives, it encourages investment in the tourism industry, promoting economic growth and development across the nation. The law not only benefits businesses but also provides individuals with a unique opportunity to engage in and profit from the thriving Dominican real estate market. With these incentives in place, the Dominican Republic continues to be an attractive and promising destination for real estate investors and buyers.