Selling a property is a responsible step that requires not only legal savvy, but also the ability to negotiate with buyers and negotiate a price. This process is a work that makes you spend a lot of time and effort. The seller of real estate must have technical, economic, legal knowledge and be an appraiser, engineer, lawyer, broker, psychologist, seller, marketer, photographer in one person.

But there is no need to do it yourself, it is only enough to conclude an agreement with a specialized company and provide them an access to your property, the experts will do the rest of the work for you. There is no need to collect tons of papers, submit ads and worry endlessly in finding buyers. Leave this job to professionals. A professional Real Estate company will help you sell your home profitably, as well as prepare and represent it correctly providing correct and working description, making the highest quality and attractive photos and videos. Real estate agencies have the resources to promote the product and attract interested buyers, as well as authority and respect in the market, name and brand recognition. In addition, agencies conduct the transaction until its closure, being intermediaries not only between you and future buyers, but also state judicial authorities and lawyers.


– We objectively evaluate in order to sell quickly

– Making beautiful professional photos

– Drawing a clear layout

– We write a unique and informative text

– Place an ad on all available sites

– We communicate with potential buyers

– Prepare the property before showing

– We accompany the process to the very end

– Help to avoid fraud (although the buyer is the most vulnerable link in real estate transactions, but the seller also has something to pay attention to)

– Giving you advices if there is a need

– Always stay in touch with you

What documents are needed for the sale of your property?

– proof of ownership of housing. The certificate of ownership in the Dominican Republic – Titulo. In addition, such documents include a contract of sale, court decisions on inheritance of property

– cedulas, passports or other identity documents of all homeowners, including birth certificates of minor children who do not have a passport

– spouse’s consent to the sale of housing, certified by a notary (if the property was purchased during the marriage and its status is not regulated by the marriage contract)

– certificate of absence of debt, including utility bills

If you want to hire us to sell your property in Punta Cana or get any additional information, you can contact any of our agents or use the chat on our website.